Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How to Create TEMPORARY tablespace and drop existing temprary tablespace in oracle 11g

Step by Step guide to create new TEMP tablespace and drop existing temporary tablespace.

While doing this activity, existing temporary tablespace may have existing live sessions, due to same oracle won’t let us to drop existing temporary tablespace. Resulting, we need to kill existing session before dropping temporary tablespace.
Following query will give you tablespace name and datafile name along with path of that data file.
SQL> select FILE_NAME,TABLESPACE_NAME from dba_temp_files;
Following query will create temp tablespace named: ‘TEMP_NEW’ with 500 MB size along with auto-extend and maxsize unlimited.
SQL> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP_NEW TEMPFILE '/DATA/database/ifsprod/temp_01.dbf' SIZE 500m autoextend on next 10m maxsize unlimited;
Following query will help you to alter database for default temporary tablespace. ( i.e. Newly created temp tablespce: ‘TEMP_NEW’ )
Retrieve ‘SID_NUMBER’ & ‘SERIAL#NUMBER’ of existing live session’s who are using old temporary tablespace ( i.e. TEMP ) and kill them.
SQL> SELECT b.tablespace,b.segfile#,b.segblk#,b.blocks,a.sid,a.serial#,
a.username,a.osuser, a.status
FROM v$session a,v$sort_usage b
WHERE a.saddr = b.session_addr;
Provide above inputs to following query, and kill session’s.
SQL> alter system kill session 'SID_NUMBER, SERIAL#NUMBER';
For example:
SQL> alter system kill session '59,57391';
Now, we can drop old temporary tablespace without any trouble with following:
SQL> DROP TABLESPACE old_temp_tablespace including contents and datafiles;

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Password Profiles in Oracle E-Business Suite R12

Password Policies in Oracle E-Business Suite

One of my customers is required to define the Password policies in Oracle E-Business Suite

Profile: Signon Password Failure Limit
The Signon Password Failure Limit profile option defines the maximum number of login attempts before the user’s account is disabled.

Profile: Signon Password Hard to Guess

Set this Profile Option to Yes to ensure that they will be "hard to guess."
A password is considered hard-to-guess if it meets this requirements:
• The password contains at least one letter and at least one number.
• The password does not contain the username.
• The password does not contain repeating characters.

Profile: Signon Password Length

Signon Password Length defines the minimum length of the password. Te default is 5 characters

Profile: Signon Password No Reuse
This profile option specifies the number of days before any previously given password can be reused.

Profile: Signon Password Case
Set this profile option to 'Sensitive' to make the password case sensitive (it defaults to 'Insensitive in 11i, apparently, it defaults to 'Sensitive' in R12.1.1).
